Prov. 31:25

Cancer is a word, not a sentence.

Hi! My name is Jenny. I have been married to my best friend for 33 years, I have two wonderful children and on June 30, 2015 I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I am determined to get well and I know that with the strength my Lord provides and the love and support of my family and friends, that will happen. The road to healing is a difficult one… however I strive to be thankful for the blessings I have, to find joy in every day and maybe in some small way be a blessing to those I come in contact with. The support and encouragement that I find on this blog makes my heart smile and helps me to realize that I am not alone. All of you are so much appreciated and help me more than you will ever know. So thanks for stopping by....if you would like please leave a comment after my post....I would love to hear from you.

Saturday, November 18, 2017

.....And That Today We Are Together

Hello my Friends and Happy Fall! I hope as you read this latest post you are doing well and that you are enjoying some lovely Fall weather where you are!

I love all the seasons but to be honest Fall is my favorite! I remember the year that Scott and I moved to Fort Wayne, Indiana and the first time I saw the magnificent colors of the leaves as they changed. I remember driving down country roads and being surrounded by absolute brilliance….the beautiful colors of these tall, majestic trees. I had never seen anything like that and I was so very impressed by the artwork of God! The cooler temperatures, the smell of wood fires burning in peoples fireplaces, the wonderful cozy feeling of drinking hot chocolate while watching the leaves as they blew gently down to the ground. I remember the pumpkins sitting on front porches surrounded by the leaves as they fell. I can to this day still hear the “ crunch, crunch” as we walked over these leaves while attending Fall Festivals and buying delicious apples to take home and bake into a pie or fruit crisp! I cherish these memories and I think that is why I have always loved this sampler! It brings to mind all those happy Fall days and every time I look at this sampler I smile!

This week here in the United States we will be celebrating Thanksgiving. We will be setting aside this day to give thanks for the many blessings that we have been given and for all of the people in our lives. To be honest I don’t want to wait until Thursday to tell all of you how special you are to me and how very thankful I am to have each and every one of you in my life.  You have touched my life in a very special way whether I have known you for just a few weeks or all of my life! I am so thankful for all the joy you have given, for all the smiles and tears that we have shared, for the memories we have made and the small moments that have made each day more special. Each and every one of you have helped me through this journey and I am forever grateful for that wonderful gift!

But why today you might ask? Well I think my answer encompasses a lot of things. First and foremost it is because I am truly grateful for all of you! I have tried to let the people that I love know that I love them a lot! I have tried to do this all of my life not just since I was diagnosed with cancer and began my journey to live. Life is a precious, beautiful gift that we have been given and I try really hard to live each day with LOVE because that to me is what is most important! To simply love! I do not accomplish this every day….I think most days I fail….but I try and my prayer each morning is that I can be a blessing to someone today. Most days I am given so much love….from my husband, my children, my extended family and my friends and my prayer is that I share that love with all of you! That is important to me.

Today I said good-by to a friend of mine. We met in the chemo room just a few short weeks ago! We laughed and visited and formed a friendship. We shared a little bit about our journey, we laughed over the trials of losing our hair, we talked about our fears and our favorite childhood books but most of all we just talked about us and how much we wanted to win this battle. Kim may be losing her battle but my friends she will win the war because she will live on in the memories of her family, her friends and me!  She reached out a hand of friendship that day and I will be forever grateful for the way to short but oh so special small moments we had! I am so thankful for the time we did have and I am so thankful to realize yet again how each and every day does count! No day is ever wasted, no smile is ever meaningless and no act of kindness, however small it might seem, is ever worthless! Love does matter….Love does count…and when it comes right down to it….Love is what is so very important.

And so my friends….let us take one more look at the sampler that I love. The last line has always been my favorite…. And today, just for a few moments as we share a small moment on this blog, I am so very thankful because “ today we are together” and life doesn’t get any better than that!

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you! I cannot even imagine where I would be today were it not for that handful of friends who have given me a heart full of joy!

Love and hugs to all of you!

Love, Jenny


  1. Hello dear Jenny,

    Again a wonderful post! So true, so loving and how blessed we all are to know you, my friend ... Your sampler is so beautiful! Loevly to see it. HAPPY THANKSGIVINGS!!! And yes, we can be grateful every single day.

    Hugs, Carolien

  2. Jenny, what a beautiful and inspiring post you have written. Thank you for sharing your sampler especially the last line. Blessings to you!

  3. Jenny I am so sorry about your friend Kim. I am glad you two were in each others lives. I know how blessed I am to have you in my life.
    Yes, Autumn in the Midwest is just beautiful. I am glad you got to experience it for several years.
    I am thankful for very many things in this world Jenny. I can honestly say YOU are one of them.❤️

  4. Jenny, This is a truly lovely post, your love of life shines through and you are truly one of the special people in this crazy world. I'm sorry to hear of the loss of your friend Kim, she will live on in your memory of her.

    I hope you have a Blessed Thanksgiving with all those that you love and cherish. Love, Mary

  5. Jenny, you have such a beautiful way of writing and conveying your thoughts. We are the blessed ones to have you as our friend. Not a day goes by that I don't think of you and the special lady that you are.

    I'm so sorry to hear about Kim. I know how well you hit it off from your first treatment together. I also know that you made her days there easier because of your giving nature.

    Happy Thanksgiving my friend. May your day be filled with happiness with your family. We all feel so blessed that you are in our lives and truly thankful for that honor. RJ

  6. What a lovely and beautifully written post, Jenny... We can all find things to give thanks for, no matter our circumstances. Some times in life are just more difficult than others, but that is what makes the happy times so very joyous.

    I am sad to read about Kim--I'm sure your friendship and positive attitude have added much to her life.

    I hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving with your family--I know you were all counting your blessings as you sat around the table...
